NSW Government Programs

Studio M is a registered provider for NSW Government

Active Kids & Creative Kids Program

The next $50 Active & Creative voucher becomes available from 15 January.

Conditions to Claim:

1. Children need to between 4.5-18 yrs old and enrolled in a NSW school (including home schooling and TAFE)
2. A NSW resident
3. Under the care of a parent, guardian or carer receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A, or Family Tax Benefit Part B, or both
4. Claims are permitted for regular dance lessons eg weekly dance or acro classes
5. Vouchers can only be used once. If you have used your voucher for another program it will no longer be valid and it can’t be used again
6. Vouchers can only be used for 1 child; each child needs a separate voucher
7. Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash – no refunds or credits will be issued

Customers Must:

1. Login to their MYSERVICENSW Account and apply through the Service NSW application or website.